Support your friends.

I actually really didn’t want to be the one to write this blog post but I promised myself that this blog was going to be the one place where I would be completely and utterly honest. No cap.

There are a lot of our generation getting out there and doing things aside from a 9-5 like being a make up artist, a hair stylist, photographer, YouTuber the list is endless. I personally think the fact that we are all getting on our grind and trying to create multiple streams of revenue is amazing.

Even I have started doing nails too. Qualifying as a nail tech was probably one of the best things I did last year. I have found something I really enjoy and something I’m actually pretty good at and I’m determined to make work for me.

Last week I hit a bump in the road and I was really struggling. There was one night I just couldn’t get my practice hand to cooperate with me and I almost threw it across my bedroom. Luckily for me I had the best time doing my sis Esther’s nails on Saturday and I felt like my mojo was back. But then of course when I shared my work on my pages, I started to look to see who had seen it and who had liked stuff. I noticed a couple of my friends sharing my work and I was happy. But then I had the after thought of those who hadn’t.

I hate to admit that I am a really sensitive person and my feelings do get hurt because I think if it was you, I’d be supporting you to my fullest coz I know I have in the past. I almost let it get to me but then looking back on all the people who WERE sharing my work and who WERE telling me they can’t wait till I did their nails made me realise that those were the thoughts I needed to keep on my mind.

I deeped that at the end of the day those who believe in you no matter what stage you’re at will be there and support you from the START and not just when things pick up for you. And THOSE are the people that matter and I will cherish in the good and bad times.

I also deeped that I’m going to win regardless of support because I believe in my talent and I know that for someone that’s been qualified exactly two months today, I’m a fucking good nail technician 💪🏾❤️.

But in all real ness, if your friend is starting hair, let them practice on you. If they’re a photographer, offer to model. If they do YouTube, be a guest in their videos. Support them. Share their work. You have no idea how much it can boost their confidence and they will remember you in the long run.

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