Cashloss 2019.

As we come to the end of January, we begin to reflect on how this year has started. I’m not gonna lie and say I’ve kept on top of all my goals because I haven’t because the shit is hard BUT I will say that I have been good at getting myself back on track. I’m trying to use my law of attraction planner more and have found myself achieving things that I write down daily 😁


For literally the past two, three weeks it’s been event announcement after event announcement and I’m clutching onto my wig and screaming at everyone to slow down!

First it was Oh My Festival. Now I don’t know why I underestimated the power of Black Twitter because them tickets came out at 9am and were gone by the afternoon. YOU PEOPLE DID NOT BREATHE. I missed out but I acc hope everyone makes it out to Amsterdam and enjoys because fam we truly deserve all types of enjoyment this 2019. We are free.

Then Aubrey Drake Graham decides to reappear and drop concert dates. At first instance, without a single doubt in my mind I said I am deyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Then I saw £140 for standing. *cough*

Now for someone like me who went to the NWTS tour back in 2014 I think it was and then saw Drake when he headlined Wireless and both tickets TOGETHER amounted to less than £140, it actually makes no sense to pay £140 for O2 standing. Thank you Drake but no thanks. There is still sense in my brain sha.

Finally we have Wireless Festival. I’m ngl when I saw that draft line up I prayed it was real but every year a fake lineup drops and it always turns out to be different 🙄 but when I tuned in to Capital Xtra and Manny Norte played I Like It for Cardi B being a headliner there was no WAY I was not going to be partying with her in Finsbury Park. Absolutely no way.

Like the smart (and slightly broke) daughter I am, I called my father and asked him for the ticket money. And by the good grace of my Lord, he actually gave me the money no questions asked to which I am still stunned 😂.

And then just when I thought I could remove my wig and rest. Afro Nation. I can’t lie I need to rest like as much as FOMO is a reallllll thing, it’s time to be realistic and understand that you cannot physically or financially (unless your money long like that, which if it is pls gimme tips) be at every event. It’s impossible and I think that as much as we wanna enjoy life and all this good stuff, we also gotta look at the long term.

Speaking for myself, I would like to have my driving license by the end of the year and also be in a position to where I can move out hopefully in 2020 because I need my independence and my space and not feel the urge to want to scream in my house everyday. But those goals won’t be achievable if I have an heart attack every time a new event lineup drops. There’s no way I’d be able to achieve those things.

I know I was determined to make this summer a great one especially after working the minute I got off the graduation stage but at the same time I need to find a balance to where I can still enjoy and also keep my head on track for the bigger things I want to achieve this year.

2 thoughts on “Cashloss 2019.

  1. I thought I was the only one haha. Seeing all these events is making me SCRIM. But 2019 is the year of memories. And if my bank account agrees, I shall make some

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