Life Update.

I know you guys wanna kill me because I haven’t posted in over a month, but sometimes adulthood comes and fucks you up and you lose track of life a little bit πŸ˜‚ but I’m back now πŸŽ‰

Whew, welllllll what has been going on with me?

Well I’m still unemployed, but I’m actively looking for a job. While I think I’ve mentioned to you guys that I finished off the year doing a lil sum sum for myself (well I think I told you, if not oops πŸ˜‚), I’ve decided I want to fully pursue that and eventually make that my job. But until then, a bitch gotta get her coin up for real.

As I’ve realised I wanna chase my dreams, I’ve also realised I want to ENJOY. Okay. I said to one of my friends this morning that 2019 is for ENJOYMENT. I want holidays, outings, shopping etc. But for all that I need money and in this life you gotta make a few sacrifices to get what you want. While I dread the idea of going back to a 9-5, the vision and the dream is in sight and I will ensure I keep that in mind while I try not to crumble to the pressures of adulthood.

But on a real like, I know people say this every year (well I didn’t say this at the beginning of 2018 but πŸ™ƒ), I genuinely feel a whole new energy about 2019 and I’m actively working towards making things happen. I will admit that I can be a bit lazy and sometimes I think if I think something it’ll happen but I’m trying to change up my attitude and input some action into my thoughts.

I hope this year is a good one for all of us and I will try my best to maintain a fortnightly posting schedule (and I said I’ll try before I get dragged in two weeks 😘).

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