Don’t be a bitter bitch.

Now. This was one I noticed a LOT towards the end of last year and Lord knows it really irked my nerves.

I am an avid Twitter user (that place is like free therapy because I’m always laughing on there 😂) and I love to see what people are doing and I’ve been noticing a lot of black people amongst us doing great things, be it make up, cooking, graphic design, whatever it is, people are really in their bag and it’s great!

But! But. There is ALWAYS one with something negative to say. ALWAYS. No matter how much work you can see someone is putting into their craft someone always has something negative to say. And I just. Don’t. Get. It.

Like maybe because I love to see stuff like that like black excellence because forever throughout the history of time, black people have always been seen as lesser and to see people do their thing and do it WELL makes me so happy. But then here comes Negative Nancy with her shit, unwanted comments.

I don’t understand why you gotta bring someone down. There’s constructive criticism and then there’s being a dickhead and for some reason a lot of people choose the latter.

Instead of being nasty, why not channel that energy into your own thing ? Why not see the success as a boost for your own success. It’s not everyday tear down our own, especially when people are doing their best and striving to be great.

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