
A few weeks ago I remember talking about being down from unemployment and the stress of feeling pressure from those in your life to be at a certain place in life at a certain time or age. But here I am about to dive into the wonderful world of adulting.

By the very good grace of God, I am now EMPLOYED πŸ‘πŸΎπŸŽ‰. Full time job, standard 9-5, Monday to Friday and I’ve been in the job for about three weeks now. And lemme tell you, this adult life is no joke πŸ˜‚.

I’ll wake up, go to work, come home, have dinner and want to go to sleep. Genuinely every single day. That is my routine. It makes me wonder how I went to school all those years because this full time ting is mad 😭.

Minus the schedule. PAYING FOR TRANSPORT. The trek from Zone 4 to 1 is no joke. A month travel card is Β£155. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY FIVE POUNDS. For Zone 1-3. I purposely take a bus from my house to the tube station just so I don’t have to pay for zones 1-4. I refuse. Because they’re already extorting us out of ps for a crap transport system. Air con on the Central line in 2030 my damn back foot πŸ™„.

The other thing is now because I work everyone seems to want to come and find me for money. In Nigeria there’s a tradition where you share your first salary with your family members. So please ask me why one uncle in church asked me where his money was for 3 weeks straight talking about he’s my dad πŸ™ƒ my real ALIVE father hadn’t received a single penny so how is someone that has no blood connection to me asking for money πŸ˜‚ some people are really mad.

As much as these things are annoying, I’m grateful to have graduated and gotten a job so quickly. So I may not be an administrator forever, but I’m so happy to finally be making my own money and who knows maybe I’ll finally be moving out next year 🀞🏾

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