
This topic is a tough one because 1. It’s something that everyone goes through and experiences and 2. It’s something that I’ve dealt with for a very long time, since I was a little girl and I think that’s the part that upsets me the most.

When I was in primary school, no more than 6 years old, I remember being called “big nose”, “fish lips” etc etc and it went on for ages. I know people think that stuff like that is normal at that age but it really affected me. To the point where I used to constantly look at myself in the mirror and question my beauty. I used to hate what I looked that. Looking back now it makes me laugh that women pay thousands to achieve the same lips that I was blessed with by the good Lord but that’s the tea on that …

Another one of my insecurities is my body. Boy it’s been a battle with this body of mine because you see girls on tv and in magazines that don’t look like you. That’s just the reality of it and it’s only been recently that big boobs and bum and thighs has been accepted. But we all long for that flat stomach. It’s crap to look at yourself and feel like you’re not good enough or pretty enough or skinny enough.

The one thing that life has taught me is that you will always be ugly to somebody 😂 funny but true ! You can’t be everybody’s cup of tea. But the most important part is that that is okay. You have to learn to accept and be comfortable with who you are and how God has made you. It’s not easy and sometimes I struggle, it feels like a lot more lately because of all the change I’m going through but I have to remind myself everyday that I’m who I am, I am beautiful and that there are people who love me regardless. It’s a daily battle but there are ways to overcome. The more and more you affirm positivity into your mind and your life, the more positivity you will reap. The mind is a powerful tool that we must utilise to benefit us the most.

2 thoughts on “Insecurities

  1. That’s right. Love yourself and someone will love you

    Insecurities are something everyone deals with, but it’s how you deal with the insecurities is what makes you stronger


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