
The quote above is what I believe to be a great explanation of what vulnerability to me and I believe vulnerability to be a beautiful thing as well as being really scary.

Throughout my life, being vulnerable has lead me into the craziest situations, mainly heartbreak because I’ve always been so open to love and being happy.

After the breakdown of my last two relationships, I doubted my ability to be vulnerable again, purely through fear and the fear of being hurt again.

Another example of vulnerability is writing this blog. I’m vulnerable because every time I write a post I am opening myself to old wounds, forgotten pains and also what’s going on in my head, something that I struggle with often.

I’m learning to be open to more vulnerability in my life. I want to be able to show my whole self, regardless of opinion or reaction and allow myself to truly be me.

I’ve started to be vulnerable in my relationships and as scary as it may have seemed, I’m as happy as I could be and I don’t see that changing any time soon.

I challenge you guys to be vulnerable and open. It’s like a baby trying to walk. You may fall a few times but get back up and allow it to become natural to you.

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