
I don’t really know where this blog post is heading because I haven’t written in so long, but I just need to vent.

First things first. This period of time should really be the happiest ever. I graduate next week with a 2:1 with honours in a degree which I thought would be the end of me. Uni was a hard time for me and I should be really proud of my achievements but instead as the days go on I’m feeling less and less proud. Purely because I dunno where I’m going next. Everyday I go on twitter and I see graduate job after graduate job and here I am with no future prospects but to take a breather. And regardless of the fact I worked my ass off I still don’t feel good enough.

As human beings all we want is to feel good enough. Smart enough to get the job. Loved enough to be committed to. Appreciated enough to feel like your family is proud of you. All I want is to be accepted as I am. Wholeheartedly. Not as any less than I am. Right now, not when I know what I’m doing with my life or have a job but right now as the university graduate who just longs to be happy.

3 thoughts on “Lost.

  1. I’m in this same pool, but one thing I tell myself is that I don’t live for other people’s gratification. I just live my life for me, and when I am happy, that’s good enough.

    Overthinking and over stressing about things not being in place now does not help at all. Don’t try and be in time with other people’s timings. You have your own timeline to live

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